How To Start Your Own Personal Growth Journey Pt. 5
by Brad Spangler
It’s been said, “One of the best things that can happen to you when you reach your goals is not the actual achievement itself, but it’s who you become in the process.” The first three components of this personal growth plan focus more on a process than a specific result. That being said, there is a time and place where it is necessary to set up some specific “mile markers” along your journey. Mile markers will not only help you to track your progress, but they can also act as a catalyst for your growth. This is why I call the fourth component of this growth plan “Growth Catalyst Goals.”
One definition for the word catalyst is a person or thing that precipitates an event. So a growth catalyst goal would be a specific and measurable accomplishment that would act as a launching pad to further your personal growth. Ask yourself, “What would I need to do in order to jump-start my growth or push the needle forward?”
Take the time to determine at least one growth catalyst goal for each area of focus in your growth plan. Not only will this give you a target to shoot for in each area, but it will also put some needed pressure on you to act in a timely fashion. I know that having certain time constraints, even if self-imposed, can be exactly what I need to take action in my own life. As you finish this final step in your growth plan, remember that the entire process will remain incomplete until you begin to act on what you have written down.
Practically speaking, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
1. Update the growth plan every six to twelve months.
2. Review the growth plan minimum one time per week.
3. If there is an area that you are consistently avoiding, get rid of it, rather than feel guilt or shame every week for not doing it.
4. Only focus on one to three areas max.
During this process, please have grace with yourself. It’s ok to make mistakes, and it’s ok to take only pieces of what I have recommended and apply them to your unique situation. The beautiful thing about personal growth is that it’s “personal”. There’s no one way to do it. The most important thing is that you get started. My hope is that over the last 5 weeks, I have given you some guidance that can help you along the way to achieving your God-given vision. You have what it takes! If you believe it’s possible, then put your faith into action by starting your own personal growth journey.