
Are You Racing Against The Clock?

by Brad Spangler

Have you ever listened to a sermon or teaching from the Bible, and all of a sudden, you sense God speaking to your heart? I’ll never forget when this happened to me during my second year at RHEMA Bible Training College. I sat in prayer school one afternoon, listening to our instructor teach. Very clearly, inside, I heard the Spirit of God ask me, “Don’t you know that I’m the Author of Time?” Without speaking out loud, I began to consent that inwardly, “Yes,” I was aware of this fact. Then He asked, “Don’t you think I’ve given you enough time to do what I’ve called you to do?” Immediately I consented again. Finally, He said, “Your problem is that you do not steward the time I’ve given you very well.” 

This was a clear rebuke, a correction, if you will. You see, leading up to that point, I was notorious for making statements like, “I always feel like I’m racing against the clock” or “I never feel like I have enough time.” During that season, several things were on my plate, but at that moment, I realized that I was operating from a sense of lack, which led to me feeling stressed and anxious. It’s hard to explain, but this assertive yet gentle correction from my Heavenly Father did not leave me feeling condemned but empowered. Almost as though He was giving me the grace to get things right.

1 Peter 5:7 NLT says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 

At that moment, I decided to repent, which at a basic level means to “think again” or “change direction.” I decided to give God my worries and cares, to trust Him more deeply. Next, I had to shift my perspective about time in general. I began to see time as an abundance rather than a place of lack. Once I changed my perspective, an enormous sense of peace flooded my soul. I began to agree with God that I did have enough time. The real problem I faced was not a lack of time but how I used my time.

When it comes down to it, we’ve all been given the same 24 hours each day. Stephen Covey author of The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective people said, “The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves.” I have found over the years that I need to be clear about my vision and priorities. These will act as a filter for what we say “yes” to and what we say “no” to. All too often, when our vision or priorities aren’t clear, we can overcommit ourselves.  

If you feel like you are constantly racing against the clock I would encourage you to answer the questions below both prayerfully and honestly. Then ask God for His grace to help you make any necessary changes as you move forward in His calling for your life. 

  1. Are you operating from a place of lack or abundance when it comes to time?
  2. Do you believe that God has given you enough time to do what He has called you to do?
  3. Are your commitments in alignment with your vision and priorities for this season?

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